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Stellar Peach Breeding Program

All Stellar Peach Varieties have Star in the name!
  • Great Flavor for Fresh Market

  • Large Size

  • Round Shape

  • Red Skin Color

  • Firm Flesh

  • Developed through Hand Cross-Pollination NOT Genetically Engineered

  • Excellent Storage Quality

  • Excellent Handling & Shipping Quality

  • Very Winter Hardy

  • High Bud Density

  • Some Bacterial Spot Resistance

Stellar Peach Varieties
(Varieties Listed in Ripening Order)

Earlystar (-16)

Earlystar ripens 16 days before Red Haven and is a very attractive round fruit with no tip. With a beautiful 80% dark red color, this peach sizes at 2 1/2" and up. Earlystar's firm flesh is bright yellow with minimal fibers and has great flavor. It is semi-freestone, meaning it has been completely freestone some years and very clingy in other years, and has very few split pits. Tree is medium vigor and precocious for early production, so thin early. Earlystar is a wonderful first peach for early season roadside or farm market stands.


Brightstar (-12)

Brightstar ripens 12 days before Red Haven and is a great peach for early season roadside stands and farmer's markets. Customers return year after year because of the outstanding flavor of this semi-freestone, firm fleshed peach. Brightstar sizes at 2 1/2" and up and has very few split pits. It also has good bacterial spot resistance.


Great EArlystar.jpg
Good Brightstar.JPG

Risingstar (-7)

Ripens 5-7 days before Red Haven. Risingstar gives growers a beautiful, high quality peach for the early season. Fruit is 80% bright orange-red, with a slight stripe, firm and averages 2 1/2" and larger. The flesh is firm and melting with a pleasing sugar-acid ratio. Risingstar is non-browning and semi-freestone. This excellent cropper has very few split pits and matures between Garnet Beauty and Red Haven. It will require diligent thinning most years because of its very hardy buds and blossoms. The tree is of medium vigor, hardy and productive with good resistance to bacterial spot and peach canker. Risingstar is very uniform in size and coloring, blooms late with Red Haven, and matures in 2 to 3 pickings.

Star 105 ( -3 days)

is a great Freestone that comes about 3 days before Red Haven Peaches. It can be used for canning, freezing, baking and eating just like a Red Haven but it just ripens a few days earlier.

Redstar (+1)

Ripens after Red Haven and is a large, round, very beautiful peach with 80% rich red color over a subtle striped background. The flesh is medium yellow with wonderful flavor. The 2 3/4 to 3" fruits are firm for shipping and have a slight attachment to the pit, similar to Red Haven, with very few split pits. Redstar blooms late with Red Haven, and the tree is spreading and very hardy and productive with good resistance to canker and bacterial spot. In a graded basket, well colored Red Haven and Redstar look alike. Redstar is a great Red Haven replacement.

Great Redstar limb.JPG

Blazingstar (+3)

Blazingstar is a round, very firm-fleshed peach that ripens at the end of Red Haven season. It is 80% blazing red with delicious, non-browning, yellow flesh. The fruit is freestone, sizes 2 1/2" with a small pit, picks dry without tearing and has good shipping qualities. The Blazingstar tree is hardy, upright, spreading and strong with an excellent cropping history. This new extension to Red Haven season is resistant to bacterial and has great bud hardiness, almost assuring annual cropping. The flavor is sweeter than Starfire but a little smaller fruit.

Starfire (+3) Red Haven Season Peach

Starfire is a heavy annual cropper that provides high tonnage per acre with a few pickings. It has large 2 1/2" to 2 3/4", 80% bright orangish-red fruit that ripens after Red Haven. The flesh is clear yellow with some red around a small pit. Starfire has great shipping qualities and firmness. It is a very consistent cropper. The tree is strong, spreading and very hardy with excellent resistance to bacterial spot and canker. Very good flavor. This variety is a real star. Peach breeder Randy Bjorge says Starfire is his favorite peach because it produces bushels and bushels of fruit and the tree is great!

Coralstar (+12)

Coralstar® is a large, beautiful, 3", freestone peach with 80% coral red fruit that matures with Loring. The flesh is firm and clear with wonderful sweet flavor. Coralstar® holds well on the tree and in the cooler and does not brown when cut. Its size and quality make it a star for local sale or shipping. It ripens with multiple pickings over a long period and will produce heavy tonnage per acre. The tree is hardy and resistant to bacterial spot.

Allstar (+14) Best Packing Peach Grower Friendly Tree

Allstar matures before Cresthaven with a beautiful 90% bright red skin color with clear, non-browning yellow flesh. The peach is large, 2 1/2" to 3", and firm with good shipping and storage qualities. Very good sweet/acid peach flavor. It will keep for several weeks in the cooler. Allstar has a medium-size, stocky tree with very hardy buds for high yields per acre. The fruit and tree are very resistant to bacterial spot. Allstar is the favorite peach of the Stellar series being planted in the Niagra Peninsula of Canada.

Sweetstar (+18) (Annette's Favorite)

Sweetstar earned its name because it has the highest Brix level of any of the Stellar Peaches. It is larger and sweeter than Allstar & redder and sweeter than Coralstar. It has some resistant to bacterial spot and is a productive, consistently cropping tree. Sweetstar has been grown commercially for 20 years and has been the favorite among returning u-pick customers.





Blushingstar (+21) White Flesh

An incredible new high-quality white flesh peach, Blushingstar ships and stores very well. The flesh is firm enough to pick, pack, store and ship just like the other Stellar yellow flesh peaches. It colors about 80% deep pinkish-red with a white ground color and average 2 3/4". It has the unique wonderful distinctive full flavor of an extra sweet white flesh peach plus a penetrating, pleasing aroma. The flesh is white, tinged with pink and does not brown when cut. Blushingstar is completely freestone and ripens with Cresthaven. Blushingstar sets very heavy crops and must be thinned to achieve desired size as is true of all the Stellar peaches. The tree is consistently heavy producing, very hardy and open growing with some resistance to bacterial spot. This is the favorite eating peach of most of the workers on our farm. Blushingstar has been very easy to sell at our farm market because the customers come back year after year especially for this peach.

Glowingstar (+25)

Glowingstar matures in early Cresthaven season. It is a large uniform ripening peach that is 60% dark red with a bright yellow background and excellent flavor. The fruit is extra large at 2 3/4" to 3 1/4", firm, yellow and non-browning, with excellent shipping qualities and it stores well in the cooler. Glowingstar is completely freestone and hangs well on the tree even when it is completely ripe. It is a very grower-friendly peach because you can tell by looking when it is firm ripe. When the fruit is not mature, there is a large suture on it. When the suture fills out the fruit is ready to pick for grading and shipping. The tree is strong, vigorous and resistant to bacterial spot. 

Star 86 (+25)

is a old variety we have had for years but are going to name it in the next year. It is a Glowingstar replacement. We are hoping to name is Northstar or Flavorstar but we don't know if that name can be used yet. 86 is a large, red, round , sweet peach that is the last really good variety before the late varieties. It is great for canning, freezing, baking and eating. It will store well in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. 

Autumnstar (+42)

Autumnstar has been tested in several locations across the world for several years. It is a large peach at 2 3/4" to 3 1/4", round, 70-80% blushed red peach that ripens 47 days after Red Haven or 6 days after Encore. Autumnstar has shown exceptional bud and tree hardiness and excellent eating and shipping qualities for any season but there is nothing like it in this late late season. It has better fruit color, flavor and much better tree than Fayette or Encore. Autumnstar is a great way to extend your peach season.

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Good Coralstar (2).JPG
sweetstar (3).JPG
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Great FA86 (6).JPG

Update Thursday 10/24/24: Fruit Acres Farm Market & U-Pick is Closed for 2024 season. Thank you to our customers and employees for a good first season (with new owners). We will open the Farm Market again in June 2025 (When Local Strawberries are ready).  In 2025, we are hoping to be open for U-Pick Cherries (starting in Late June), Sweet Peaches and Crisp Apples(starting in Late July).


Randy and Annette Bjorge have retired and a local family  has taken over the day by day ownership and management of Fruit Acres Farm Market and U-Pick. Randy and Annette will still be living in Coloma, So we may see some of our great customers around the area. Thank you all so much for being great customers and friends and employees. We are still healthy and want to enjoy life in Beautiful Southwest Michigan. It has been a wonderful life.

Thank you, Have A Great Day!

Have A Great Day!

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